"Love is like a tree, it grows of its own accord, it puts down deep roots into our whole being"
Victor Hugo

We have so many different trees and other leafy greenery available in all shapes, sizes and leaf colours which can create an amazing botanical effect for your wedding.
From our collection you can choose tall leafy Eucalyptus and Silver Birch trees that will fill a large room with leafiness,
more formal Bay or Olive topiary lollipop trees or a scented jasmine arch to really wow your guests.
Why not get in touch now to see how we can help transform your wedding.
Star Jasmine Arches
If anything shouts a romantic wedding, it just has to be a stunning leafy green real foliage arch.
They can be used in so many different ways - to walk through at the start of your wedding aisle, to stand as a gorgeous leafy backdrop behind your ceremony table or your wedding breakfast table. They look stunning outside church doorways or marquee entrances and can even be a used over your cake or drinks table or as a botanical leafy photo booth backdrop. They look truly magical on a summers evening or on a wintery day, covered in hundreds of twinkly fairy lights.
Curved arches in two heights at 2.5m and 2.8m and 2m wide.

Tall Trees
How about a little bit of Wow!! Five luscious varieties of tall leafy trees for you to choose....
Mature loose headed Olive trees aka our 'Shaggies' at 2, 2.5 and 3m tall
Eucalyptus trees at 3.5m to 4m tall
Single stemmed Birch trees at 3.5 to 4m tall
Multi stemmed Birch trees at 3 to 4m tall
The birch trees loose their leaves in the winter but can look just as gorgeous with their bare stems festooned with fairy lights!

Topiary lollipops
Our beautiful super quality lollipop trees ....? Called lollipops because that is just what they resemble.
All these trees look amazing in so many different places - creating a beautiful green wedding aisle, standing sentry either side of a doorway or a fireplace, making a focal point of your welcome sign or table plan, guarding your cake table or edging a flight of stairs. The possibilities are endless.
Lollipop Bay trees at 1.5m tall .... beautiful dark green glossy leaves
Walkway Bay trees at 1.2m tall (see our walkway bay package on the 'Our Packages' page)
Tall lollipop Bay trees at 1.5m tall
Corkscrew stemmed topiary lollipop Olive trees at 1.5m tall ..... quirky but beautiful